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Prophetess Julia Blakley


Prophetess Blakley was born in Whiteville, North Carolina to the late James and Merem Ladson of Evergreen, North Carolina. She accepted the Lord Jesus Christ into her life at the early age of six years old. She called on Jesus with her Uncle Malcolm and Aunt Sarah Jacobs at the old holiness church on the Silver Spoon Road in Evergreen and she was filled with the Holy Ghost and Fire. 

She has seven sisters and one brother (deceased). She attended and graduated from West Columbus High School in Cerro Gordo, NC. She later went on to Southeastern Community College and studied Early Childhood Education. Prophetess Blakley later moved to Washington, D.C. where she resided for close to 30 years.


She was ordained as a Minister at Solid Rock Full Gospel Church in Washington, D.C. in 1994 under the leadership of the late Bishop Nehemiah Rinehart, Sr. Then she later moved back to North Carolina. 

She has three children: Candee Keel, Markus Keel, and Earley Blakley. She has three grandchildren: Kiaya Boyd, NaJah Gilliam, and Kaii Gilliam. 

Prophetess Blakley has held many positions in the body of Christ such as usher, Sunday School Teacher, Singles Ministry President, and Assistant Pastor. She currently serves as the Assistant Pastor of Inner Circle Holiness Church of Deliverance.


Prophetess Blakley is a woman of God that is after God's heart and is concerned about the people of God getting closer to God. She is a woman that loves praying and interceding on the behalf of God's people. 

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