Inner Circle Holiness Church of Deliverance
Churches of the Pentecostal and Apostolic Faith, Inc.
Inner Circle: Stands for a small group that want an intimate relationship with God' an influential group of people. Peter, James, and John were the sons of thunder; they were Christ's Inner Circle. We are a Church of Thunder trying to help make a difference in the lives of all we come in contact with.
Holiness Church: We are a body of Baptized Believers in Jesus' name, organized to be different while upholding the Standards of Holiness given through the Word and Saints of Old. Inward Holiness is being sure our heart is pure before God; Outward Holiness is where we dress in modest apparel, showing the difference to the world. We are in the world but not partakers of the world.
Pentecostal: We allow the same Holy Ghost that fell in Acts, Chapter 2, to have his complete way in our lives and services. We do not hinder or quench the Spirit but we flow with the Spirit so that our lives are changed and never the same.
Apostolic: We acknowledge the Power and Authority that is in the name of Jesus. We also operate by the teachings of the Apostles of the New Testament, the church in which we are. Signs and Wonders do follow because we have Faith and Stand on his name, JESUS.